BNPโs Election Manifesto, 2018

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) 11th National Parliament Election 2018
Democracy and the Rule of Law
ยงย BNP would transform election-day democracy into an everyday exercise.
ยงย Balance between the executive authority of the President and the Prime Minister would be balanced through necessary constitutional amendment.
ยงย Provision would be made to the effect that nobody could run as Prime Minister for more than two consecutive terms.
ยงย Constitutional amendments would be made to the effect that the Prime Minister including the Members of the Cabinet would remain accountable to parliament.
ยงย Deputy Speaker would be appointed from the opposition.
ยงย The right of the Members of the Parliament to express independent opinion would be en- sured through necessary amendments to Article 70 of the Constitution.
ยงย An upper house of the Parliament would be established.
ยงย The democratic rights of the people to express opinion on any issue of national concern would be reinstated reintroducing the clause of referendum in the Constitution.
ยงย A significant number of women would be appointed in all constitutional bodies.
ยงย Jatiya Sangsad would be transformed into the centre point of all national issues;
ยงย A system of government would be worked out to conduct the national election on a free, fair and accountable basis. The characteristics of a caretaker system of government would be de- cided in the light of the previous controversies and a transparent dialogue would be held with all political parties to reach this objective.
ยงย A National Commission would be formed to reach a new social contract with a view to es- tablishing a forward looking new stream of political culture as against politics of retribution and alienation.
ยงย The possibility of the revival of a one-party government would be blocked.
ยงย Culture of tolerance would be encouraged to prevent objectionable criticism of the national leaders.
ยงย The functioning of the state administrative machinery, police and institutions would be en- sured on the basis of the honesty, merit, skill, efficiency, patriotism and sense of judgment. There would be no room for personal bias or nepotism.
ยงย A Ombudsman would be appointed as per the provisions of the Constitution.
ยงย Accountability of all law enforcement agencies, including RAB, would be ensured. The cur- rent charter and structure of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) would be amended. All civil and defense institutions and agencies would act within the boundaries of their respective charters.
ยงย All sorts of โtadbirsโ (lobbying/reference) and rent seeking in the field of employment (re- cruitment) and admission in educational institutions would be strictly prohibited and be treated as a punishable offence.
ยงย The age-limit (subject to some conditions) to join government jobs would be raised, except in the case of military, police and Ansar.
ยงย All information and commission reports related to the BDR Mutiny and Bangladesh Bank Foreign Reserve Heist would be made public and additional investigations would be made as required.
ยงย Special traffic arrangement would be made so that general masses do not suffer when Presi- dent and the Prime Minister moves.
ยงย The wealth statement of the Prime Minister, Minister, MP and senior government officials would be made public every year.
ยงย The unacceptable level of indiscipline in the transport sector would be contained and safety of the road transportation system would be ensured.
ยงย All sorts of necessary measures would be taken to eradicate corruption.
ยงย Article 116 of the Constitution would be amended so that the controlling authority over the lower judiciary is transferred from the President to the Supreme Court.
ยงย Efficient judges would be appointed in order to reduce the number of pending cases.
ยงย A Judicial Commission would be created to improve and reform the current state of the Ju- diciary.
Freedom of Expression
ยงย The Freedom of Expression would be ensured. There would be no censorship in criticizing the government. Citizens would be allowed to speak and communicate without fear or re- pression.
ยงย Digital Security Act and Official Secrets Act and all other black laws would be scrapped. Under the Rights to Information Act there would be no impediments to obtaining any infor- mation.
ยงย Special Powers Act 1974 would be scrapped.
ยงย All political leaders would have the right to make constructive criticisms.
Decentralization of Power
ยงย Implementation of all development projects would be the responsibility of the elected local government.
ยงย Every year there would be an increase by 5 percent for local government allocations. Thus there would be a 30 percent allocation instead of the existing 5 percent.
ยงย Zilla Parishad would be elected through a direct voting system.
ยงย A city government would be established under the Municipality in order to ensure all the services of the Municipality to the citizens.
ยงย A commission would be appointed in order to restructure the administrative levels of the lo- cal government in order to directly serve the citizens.
ยงย The GDP would grow at the rate of 11 percent per annum.
ยงย The export growth rate would be tripled. The exports would also be diversified.
ยงย The Boards of the Security and Exchange Commission as well as the nationalized banks would be appointed with honest, qualified and capable personalities. The unwanted experi- ences of the financial scams in the capital market, banks and social welfare funds would be avoided.
ยงย The banking division in the Ministry of Finance would be dissolved and the entire responsi- bility and authority of the state owned banks would be transferred to Bangladesh Bank.
ยงย The on-going mega projects would continue and none of the projects would be stopped. However, all the projects would be reviewed for any financial misdeeds and all the people found guilty would be prosecuted as per the law.
ยงย The projects which were approved in a hurry, during the last two years of the present gov- ernment would be reviewed.
ยงย All expatriate workers would be provided with work permits in order to bring them under the tax net and stop the act of money laundering.
ยงย A Task Force would be created to investigate the reasons of the higher costs of the quick rental power plants.
Freedom Fighters
ยงย All freedom fighters would be given the status of honorary citizens and all corruption related to the identification of freedom fighters would be eradicated. At the same time the pension received by the families of the martyred freedom fighters would be continuously adjusted with the inflation rate.
ยงย A memorial would be built on all mass graves and other locations related to the War of In- dependence in order to honor and preserve the history.
ยงย There would be a census to make an authentic list of all martyrs from the War of Independ- ence and they would all receive the state recognition and privileges.
Youth, Women and Children
ยงย The youth, women and children would be included in the development of the nation.
ยงย A Youth Parliament would be created to include voices of the youth up to the age of 25.
ยงย The participation of women in all affairs would be guaranteed. All obstacles to reaching this objective would be eradicated.
ยงย There would be government patronization to encourage women athletes.
ยงย Laws would be enforced strictly in order to stop harassment of women, rape, throwing of ac- id, demanding of dowry, sexual harassment and exploitation of women and children. The laws against child labor would be strictly enforced.
ยงย There would be incentives and initiatives to set up day care centers by the government and non-government institutions in order to support the career seeking women.
ยงย Women entrepreneurs would be encouraged and incentivized with the necessary support, low cost loans and income tax waivers.
ยงย All educated youths, who are unemployed, would be entitled to an unemployment benefits until they become employed or up to one year (whichever is first). All reasonable and logi- cal initiatives would be entitled to receive financial assistance.
ยงย Women would receive the rightful entitlement to family inheritance and all conflicting laws, if any, would be addressed in this matter.
Education and Employment
ยงย There would be an allocation of 5 percent of the GDP per annum for education.
ยงย All higher studies would be knowledge, science and technology based. There would also be emphasized on vocational training and vocational research centers. An internationally rec- ognized university would be set up.
ยงย There would be a dedicated Television Channel focused on quality education.
ยงย To be at par with the world as well as to be competitive for international employment, for- eign language programs would be introduced along with Bangla and English.
ยงย Low cost education loans would be available for the less wealthy families. In this regards a Bank for Education would be created.
ยงย There would be a scholarship fund which would enable a student to pursue higher studies in specific universities abroad.
ยงย Student bodiesโ elections would be introduced in all universities, including the Dhaka Uni- versity.
ยงย Madrasa Education would be modernized in a manner so that the curriculum is at par with the needs of the job market.
ยงย A policy would be created so that Khatib, Imam and Muazzem are compensated in a digni- fied manner at the Upazilla and Ward levels.
ยงย Legal actions as well as preventive actions would be taken to restore the quality of education which has been negatively affected and deteriorated due the leaks of question papers.
ยงย There is would be no VAT on education expenses for students.
ยงย All legal cases against the students, who participated in the protest against VAT, for reform ofthe Quota as well as Road Safety would be dropped. These victims would also be given compensation.
ยงย There would be reserved seats in all government and non-government education institutes for meritorious students who are not as wealthy. PCS and JCS exams would be abolished.
ยงย Two hundred thousand (200,000) government jobs would be created with in the first 3 years in a transparent and fair manner.
ยงย Young couples and entrepreneurs would be entitled to 20 years loans in order to help them become self-dependent.
ยงย Ten million new jobs would be created in the next 5 years
ยงย All educated youths, who are unemployed, would be entitled to an unemployment benefits until they become employed or upto one year (whichever is first). All reasonable and logical initiatives would be entitled to receive financial assistance.
ยงย The old and dilapidated power plants would be modernized and upgraded. Dependency on local gas and furnace oil would be reduced. With the intention to resolving the power crisis in a sustainable manner as well as to reducing the carbon foot print, small, medium and large environmental friendly power plants would be developed. Additionally renewable energy like solar energy, bio gas, geo thermal, wave radiation and waste to energy plants would be developed and encouraged.
ยงย Large power plants, hydro dams and gas exploration would be developed and if required would be based on the public private partnership model.
ยงย There would be no price hike of electricity and gas with in the first year in office.
ยงย Electricity and gas prices would be rationalized.
Information and Communication Technology
ยงย All unreasonable obstacles to repatriating revenue based on ICT services would be abol- ished. A global payment gateway would be established in order to support the freelancers and outsourcing agents.
ยงย Nationwide Telecommunication and Transmission Network (NTTN), Internet Service Pro- vider (ISP) and International Internet Gateway (IIG) would be made more competitive by offering more licenses
ยงย Research and Investment in the fields of Augmented reality, animation and robotics would be encouraged. A Start UP Fund, IT Innovation Fund and Venture Capital would be created to encourage the use of ICT in solving most of the domestic problems.
ยงย Attention would be given to a Cloud based Enterprise Application built to facilitate E Gov- ernance with in the first 5 years.
ยงย VOIP would be regularized and made to be more competitive.
ยงย Intellectual Property Rights would be protected. All companies seeking international con- tracts would be assisted and encouraged. At the same time all local companies would be en- couraged to use locally developed software.
ยงย All universities would have an IT incubator as well as research laboratories.
ยงย Infrastructure would be developed in order to add more speed and to lower costs for both Mobile Data as well as Broadband Data.
ยงย All taxes would be waived for all IT related accessories and hardware.
ยงย All metropolitan areas, municipalities and administrative centers would be turned into smart cities, smart municipalities and smart villages and smart campuses.
Sports and Culture
ยงย Planning and strategies would be developed to ensure that Bangladesh achieves a respectful place in various sports competitions.
ยงย In order to achieve the international quality of skills, every district would have a sports complex.
ยงย Activities which negatively affect our culture would be discouraged. Free thinking and dem- ocratic ideologies would be spread thought the cultural activities.
Foreign and Expatriates Welfare
ยงย A better governance system would be created to extend the foreign workers contracts and ensure safer working environment.
ยงย Required amounts of exchange houses / banks would be created to ensure that all expatriate workers and remit their hard earned income back him in a swift and low cost manner. All Bangladesh embassies would be directed to provide better services to the expatriate Bangla- deshis abroad.
ยงย All sorts of harassment at the airport would be stopped. Welfare projects would be created for all expatriate workers who return from abroad.
ยงย All expatriate Bangladeshiโs would be eligible to vote and become a part of the countryโs governing process. All Bangladeshiโs who are stuck or find themselves in dangerous situa- tions would be provided with all sorts of consular support as well as financial support to en- sure their safe return.
Agriculture and Industry
ยงย Value addition and subsidies would be considered while ensuring that the farmers receive a fair price for their crops.
ยงย A national farmerโs database for every Union Parishad would be created on the basis of an open discussion. In order to assist the farmer against adverse conditions there would be an introduction of crop insurance, animal insurance, fish insurance and poultry insurance.
ยงย Poor farmers and victims of natural disasters would have their interest waived from the loans.
ยงย A minimum wage of Tk. 12,000 per month for garments workers would be implemented within two years.
ยงย Multi storied buildings would be created for garments and other industry labors.
ยงย There would be a minimum labor wage for all labor industries.
ยงย There would be reasonable profit margin for all agricultural produce and the calculation of the finalprice would set by local cooperatives.
ยงย Day labor and farm labors are entitled to low cost rations in both the cities and the villages.
ยงย Agricultural subsidy would be increased for fertilizer and seeds.
ยงย All leases on the water bodies would be terminated and made open for use for the lower in- come people and fisherman.
ยงย No hawkers or slum dwellers would be evicted without rehabilitation first.
ยงย Health insurance coverage would be provided for all labors at a set premium rate.
ยงย All food would be free of chemicals within one year.
Health and Medical Service
ยงย Five (5) percent of the GDP would be spent every year on the health care sector. The price of medicine would be set after considering a reasonable profit for the manufacturer, dealer and retailer.
ยงย A National Accreditation Council would be created in consultation with doctors and medical faculty with the objective to increase the quality of health care services.
ยงย Specially privileged children and aged people would receive special medical care.
ยงย A great share of expense is towards the diagnostic centers. In this situation numerous diag- nostic booths would be created.
ยงย Actions would be taken to reduce the risk of diabetes in children and address the stunting of children.
Defense and Police
ยงย A capable, honest, efficient, talented, accountable and modern administration would beย built.
ยงย Recruitments would be done based on merits.
ยงย Freedom Fighters Children, Women and Ethnic minorities would keep their Quota and the rest would be abolished.
ยงย A new Civil Service Act would be based on the Constitution and the need of the present day.
ยงย Military hardware and equipment would be purchased on a priority basis.
ยงย Welfare projects would be created for the members of the Military.
ยงย Housing would be created all members and ranks of the Armed Forces.
ยงย A reasonable and similar rationing system would be created for all retired military officials.
ยงย Risk allowance for the Police Force would be increased.
ยงย Special task would be taken to professionalize the police.
ยงย BNP would take special endeavors to ensure the participation of the police in the UN Peace keeping mission.
ยงย Welfare projects would be created for the police.
ยงย Salaries of the Inspector and Sub Inspectors of the police would be upgraded within 6 months. In addition after retirement a police officer would be entitled to rations.
Housing, Pension Fund and Creation of Rationing
ยงย The financial safety benefits for destitute women, widows and elderly would be increased in accordance to the prevailing inflation rates.
ยงย Necessary laws would be created to allow the creation of pension funds for private and self- dependent individuals.
ยงย Rationing would be introduced for the individuals living below the poverty line.
ยงย To combat the hazards of climate change, sustainable mitigation and adaptation strategies would be adopted.
ยงย Appropriate measures would be taken to protect the forest and biodiversity across the coun- try including the Sundarbans.
ยงย Intensive afforestation programmes would be taken throughout the country including the coastal areas.
Foreign Affairs
ยงย BNP is firmly committed to uphold independence, sovereignty and dignity of Bangladesh. BNP believes that across the border Bangladesh has friends and no masters. The foreign pol- icy would be decided in line with the national interest of Bangladesh.
ยงย BNP would not interfere into the internal affairs of any nation and nor would give any space for creating security threats to another nation.
ยงย Strong resistance would be made if any country interferes into the internal affairs of Bangla- desh and poses any threat to her state security.
ยงย Special friendly relations would be strengthened with the countries within the Muslim Um- mah and with all neighbouring countries.
ยงย Strong bilateral and multi-lateral initiatives would be taken for safe repatriation of the Roh- ingya refugees, who have taken shelter in Bangladesh, to their own homeland.
ยงย Active initiatives would be taken to work with the United Nations and European Union, while initiatives would be taken for better integration with organizations like SAARC, BIMSTEC, BCIM and BBIN.
ยงย Bangladesh looks forward to positively working with all initiatives such as BRI and Indo- Pacific Strategic Initiative and other such initiatives.
ยงย Connectivity between Bangladesh and other countries would be increased which would lead to the connectivity between the people of Bangladesh and the people of West Bengal, Bihar, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nepal, Bhutan and Yunnan.
ยงย Initiative would be taken for dialogues in the spirit of regional and mutual co-operation for sharing of water of the International rivers flowing through Bangladesh as per International river law.
Ethnic and Religious Minorities
ยงย Right to life, property and social dignity of the minority and ethnic nationalities living in the hills and the plains would be fully protected.
ยงย Rights to employment and all the facilities in acquiring education of the ethnic nationalities living in the hills and plains, and the developmental activities in the Hill Tracts would be further strengthened.
ยงย A separate Ministry for Religious Minority Affairs would be created.
We believe that in this electoral process the people of Bangladesh would be victorious. With the Spirit of the Month of Victory, the people of Bangladesh would unite to free themselves from this authoritarian regime. Let our lives brighten.
Allah Hafez. Bangladesh Zindabad. Desh Netri Begum Khaleda Zia Zindabad.